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Writing Speaking Skills Training [7]

LinkHow to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay [+Bonus Template]  Seitenanfang
The 5-paragraph essay writing method helps inexperienced writers to state their ideas within the given topic in the most clear and logical way. Once you understand and get used to this writing formula, you’ll become more comfortable with it.
Link eingetragen von jamescUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 18.11.2019 22:12:52
Kommentare: 0

LinkWebQuest School Radio/ Podcasts auf Englisch Klasse 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13 Medienkompetenz/ Informatik  Seitenanfang
Die WebQuest ist für SuS ab Klasse 9. Je nach Sprachniveau. Es gibt eine Teacher's Page, auf der einiges erklärt wird, wie das WebQuest verwendet werden kann. Es geht darum, dass die SuS einen Podcast auf Englisch zu einem vorgegebenen Thema für das Schülerradio aufnehmen. Kommentare und Verbesserungsvorschläge sind natürlich sehr gerne gesehen.
Link eingetragen von pinkypinkerallaUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 07.02.2016 08:46:30
Kommentare: 0 35 Synonyms for “Look”  Seitenanfang
Look, it’s perfectly acceptable to use the verb look, but don’t hesitate to replace this fairly ordinary-looking word with one of its many more photogenic synonyms. Many of these substitutions come in especially handy when it comes to finding one word to take the place of look-plus-adverb or look-plus-adjective-and-noun, as the definitions demonstrate. *** Weiterführende Links: *** 60 Synonyms for “Walk” *** 55 Synonyms for “Criticize” *** 75 Synonyms for “Angry” . Die Seite bietet unter den Buttons links an der Seite noch jede Menge "Goodies".
Link eingetragen von klexelUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 17.10.2012 15:59:56
Kommentare: 0 - How to be an outstanding communicator  Seitenanfang
"Outstanding communicators distinguish themselves by the way they use language. The first thing that strikes you when you listen to an outstanding communicator speak is the simplicity of their language: they use words you can understand in a way that makes it easy to follow what they’re saying."
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 22.05.2011 14:33:53
Kommentare: 0 - Writing prompts  Seitenanfang
Für Lehrer, denen langsam die Ideen ausgehen: eine tolle Seite mit "writing prompts", jeweils für eine Woche, oder nach Themen geordnet: Hier ein Beispiel: April 4 - 8 Monday - Sweet Dreams Have you ever experienced a dream so real that it woke you up? Write about your thoughts and feelings on this supernatural topic. ---- Tuesday - Wild Animal Survey What is your most and least favorite wild animal. Tell what you know about these creatures. Explain your likes and dislikes.---- Wednesday - What to do? While at the mall, a friend takes some candy without paying. How would (or should) you respond? ---- Thursday - The Gardner in Me Tell about the garden of your dreams. What vegetables (or flowers) would you grow? What is the best and worst part of such a project? ---- Friday - My Bucket List A person’s “bucket list” is a record of things to do or places to visit before dying. What would be on your wish list? Geeignet ab ca. Klasse 7
Link eingetragen von klexelUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 07.04.2011 19:48:09
Kommentare: 0 - Extending sentences  Seitenanfang
This site is for autonomous EFL | ESL learners. Here you can find simple online activities that you can do each day to help improve your English and digital literacy. - An important part of developing good written English is your ability to construct longer and more detailed sentences. Learners of English as a second or foreign language often use very short sentences and struggle to make longer more detailed ones. - Here you will find good tasks that enable you to construct longer and more detailed sentences.
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 28.01.2011 17:39:26
Kommentare: 0 - Daily Writing Tips  Seitenanfang
A blog provided by an American linguist and language teacher with daily articles about any kind of language topics - style, spelling etc.. RSS Feed and daily newsletter available. Very profound and informative!
Link eingetragen von bernsteinUserprofil anzeigenNachricht senden am: 04.01.2010 16:42:08
Kommentare: 0

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