Wie oft hat man schon die bekannten Pop- und Rocksongs gehört und weiß über deren Geschichte, Entstehung, Themen und Hintergründe oft wenig bis gar nichts. Eigentlich schade, denn oft gibt es interessante Dinge zu entdecken.
Kurz gefasst:
Klassik in Popsongs
Klassische Stücke als Grundlage für Popsongs
Literatur in Popsongs
Popsongs mit literarischen Anspielungen oder Inhalten.
Wer singt oder spielt im Hintergrund?
Link eingetragen von klexel am: 13.06.2008 20:20:31
The Poetry Archive is the world's premier online collection of recordings of poets reading their work.
You can enjoy listening here, free of charge, to the voices of contemporary English-language poets and of poets from the past. The Archive is growing all the time. Please come back regularly to enjoy our latest recordings.
Link eingetragen von bernstein am: 20.03.2009 08:39:40
Aktuelle Hits zu verstehen ist oft nicht ganz leicht. Gut, wenn ein Engländer erklärt, worum es dabei eigentlich geht. David Fermer erzählt und erklärt - auf englisch - vier aktuelle Hits. Fürs Hörverständnis mit Audio und Transskript.
Link eingetragen von hartpet am: 13.11.2008 19:45:42
Beschreibung des Autors: My first children's poem -- Scrawny Tawny Skinner -- was written in 1994 after having dinner with a friend whose 4-year-old daughter did everything she could to get out of eating her dinner. Shortly after that, I wrote two more poems, My Foot Fell Asleep and Binkley. During 1995 and 1996, I wrote about three or four poems a year (including You Can Never Be Too Careful and A Meloncholy Tale, whenever the mood struck me. (All of these poems, by the way, appear in the book My Foot Fell Asleep.)
In early 1997 I decided I would like to write an entire book of children's poems. In 1998, I published my first collection of poetry, entitled My Foot Fell Asleep. I published a sequel called I've Seen My Kitchen Sink in 1999 and a third book, Sailing Off to Singapore, in 2000. The Aliens Have Landed at Our School! was published by Meadowbrook Press and is distributed by Simon and Schuster. My first collection of poems about school, When the Teacher Isn't Looking: and Other Funny School Poems was published by Meadowbrook Press in 2005. In 2006 Meadowbrook also published a of Christmas poems I co-authored with Linda Knaus entitled Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney. My newest book is another collection of funny school poems entitled Revenge of the Lunch Ladies. My next book, My Hippo Has the Hiccups: And Other Poems I Totally Made Up is coming out in spring, 2009.
My poems have also appeared in magazines, school textbooks, and numerous anthologies of funny poetry, as well as on television, audio CDs and even restaurant placemats.
I have put together this web site to share some of my poems with kids around the world. I try to post a new poem every weekday for you to read and grade, so please check back regularly to read new, funny poetry.
Link eingetragen von bernstein am: 13.03.2009 21:29:22
Eine umfangreiche Zusammenstellung von Liedern zum o.a. Thema. Es sind speziell für diesen Zweck geschriebene Texte. Die CD dazu muss man allerdings käuflich erwerben.
Die Texte muss man sich von anderen Lyrik-Seiten holen. Hier im Linkportal stehen schon etliche Seiten nur mit Lyrics.
Link eingetragen von klexel am: 25.04.2009 23:33:11