This is a teacher network to promote inclusive education. We develop and disseminate accessible talk-for-learning activities in all subject areas and for all ages. Downloadable material for free
Link eingetragen von bernstein am: 16.01.2011 18:06:40
Sean Banville hatte schon wieder eine neue Idee: Fertige Unterrichtsstunden zu berühmten Menschen, mit word-Datei mit diversen Übungen, Vokabelarbeit, Listening- und Reading comprehension-Aufgaben, kostenlosen Downloads der Hörtexte etc. Ca. ab Klasse 8/9??
Link eingetragen von klexel am: 03.11.2010 13:55:57
Dear Colleague!
We are a community of ESL language teachers from around the globe who share our home-made teaching materials!
It's for all ESL teachers, whether teaching in schools or doing one-on-one tutoring. We believe in sharing, so it's completely free to use.
Let's collaborate to make each other's preparation for classes easier and our teaching richer!
You canDownload ESL worksheets free of charge.Upload your work in MS Word .doc format.Meet teachers from around the world.Please also consider uploading if you sometimes create your own worksheets. No matter how small your contribution is, it may be just what another teacher in another country needs.
Enjoy using iSLCollective!
Link eingetragen von floria1 am: 21.08.2010 14:18:54
Kostenlose umfangreiche Sammlung von Arbeitsblättern zum kostenlosen Download: Grammar, Games, Wordsearch, Puzzles, Dictionary, Verbs etc. Eine wahre Fundgrube, geeignet für SEKI
Link eingetragen von klexel am: 20.11.2009 21:44:15