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HOW LANGUAGE CAN AFFECT THE WAY WE THINKneuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 12.01.2015 23:25:31

Keith Chen (TED Talk: Could your language affect your ability to save money?) might be an economist, but he wants to talk about language. For instance, he points out, in Chinese, saying “this is my uncle” is not as straightforward as you might think. In Chinese, you have no choice but to encode more information about said uncle. The language requires that you denote the side the uncle is on, whether he’s related by marriage or birth and, if it’s your father’s brother, whether he’s older or younger.....

17 Words You Are Mispronouncingneuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 03.02.2015 19:02:35

Did you know that the word spelled p-r-i-m-e-r, meaning an introductory book or treatise, is properly pronounced PRIM-ur, with a short i as in print? The word is often mispronounced PRY-mur, with a long i as in prime, but that’s the proper pronunciation for the word that’s spelled the same way but means an undercoat of paint.

Auch die englische Spracheneuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 04.02.2015 17:33:05

hat ihre Genderprobleme...

Are gender-neutral pronouns the wave of the future?

Inventive Spellingneuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 19.02.2015 01:13:16

Dear Cult of Pedagogy,

Last week, my son brought home a stack of papers from his first-grade class. Some of them had obvious spelling errors, but no one had marked them wrong. Later that same day, I was helping my 10-year-old daughter with a research paper. I noticed a few misspellings on her draft, but when I pointed them out, she said, “My teacher told us not to worry about spelling when we’re drafting.”

What’s the deal? Why don’t teachers seem to care about spelling anymore?

Gibt es eigentlich sonst niemanden, der interessante Text posten mag? Liest hier eigentlich jemand ab und zu?

Stellenausschreibung der Britischen Queenneuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 19.02.2015 18:45:15

Binge Reading Disorderneuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 17.04.2015 20:27:10 geändert: 17.04.2015 20:29:00

The typical American consumes more than 100,000 words a day, and remembers none of them. When everybody’s reading, but nobody’s smarter, what value has the word?

Helicopter parentsneuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 17.04.2015 20:32:17

How a two-and-a-half block walk threatens to tear a family apart

Have you ever wondered about gender neutral pronouns? neuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 16.06.2015 17:17:50

Criticizing young women’s speech is just old-fashioned sexism.neuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 08.08.2015 14:04:40 geändert: 24.08.2015 23:15:47

Move over Shakespeare, teen girls are the real language

Great talk: "How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World"neuen Beitrag schreiben zur Forenübersicht   Seitenanfang
von: klexel Userprofil anzeigen Nachricht senden erstellt: 24.08.2015 23:14:18 geändert: 24.08.2015 23:16:52

Barbara Ehrenreich is an American feminist, democratic
socialist, and political activist who describes herself as "a
myth buster by trade". She is a widely-read and award-winning
columnist and essayist, and author of 21 books. In 2006, she
founded United Professionals, an organization described as "a
nonprofit, non-partisan membership organization for white-
collar workers. Her last published book is "Smile Or Die: How
Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World", and during her
talk she shared her views on the topic.

Worth listening!

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