Forum: "How many words???"
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| .. | | von: christeli
erstellt: 16.06.2008 17:34:25 |
sour, blue, sure
album, snob, nails
blame, lamb, steal =9
burnout, submit, snail,
beans, bear, tears
mountains, mourn, suit = 18
store, more, most
real, bone, belt
union, units, ruins
stare, mine, able = 30
labour, list, Lear
lion, stable, riot
Austin, Alister, true = 39
soil, boil, table
unsuitable, neutral, mint
nurse, amount, bluster = 48
minus, until, batmen
tail, amiable, mail
alone, solarium, blouse = 57
sail, sailor, burn
rain, meals, untie
turn, lemon, sermon
steal, stole, stolen =69
bent, rent, sent
tumour, bale, noun
melt, mare, lime = 78
lotus, slime, about
lobster, time, mist
luminous, inns, usable = 87
blister, tuner, rest
amber, tour, insurable
trim, omit, urban = 96
roam, limb, Ontario = 99
| ... | | von: dithma
erstellt: 16.06.2008 18:59:11 |
sour, blue, sure
album, snob, nails
blame, lamb, steal =9
burnout, submit, snail,
beans, bear, tears
mountains, mourn, suit = 18
store, more, most
real, bone, belt
union, units, ruins
stare, mine, able = 30
labour, list, Lear
lion, stable, riot
Austin, Alister, true = 39
soil, boil, table
unsuitable, neutral, mint
nurse, amount, bluster = 48
minus, until, batmen
tail, amiable, mail
alone, solarium, blouse = 57
sail, sailor, burn
rain, meals, untie
turn, lemon, sermon
steal, stole, stolen =69
bent, rent, sent
tumour, bale, noun
melt, mare, lime = 78
lotus, slime, about
lobster, time, mist
luminous, inns, usable = 87
blister, tuner, rest
amber, tour, insurable
trim, omit, urban = 96
roam, limb, Ontario = 99
last, listen, Austria = 102 |
| . | | von: klexel
erstellt: 16.06.2008 19:00:07 geändert: 16.06.2008 19:02:28 |
sour, blue, sure
album, snob, nails
blame, lamb, steal =9
burnout, submit, snail,
beans, bear, tears
mountains, mourn, suit = 18
store, more, most
real, bone, belt
union, units, ruins
stare, mine, able = 30
labour, list, Lear
lion, stable, riot
Austin, Alister, true = 39
soil, boil, table
unsuitable, neutral, mint
nurse, amount, bluster = 48
minus, until, batmen
tail, amiable, mail
alone, solarium, blouse = 57
sail, sailor, burn
rain, meals, untie
turn, lemon, sermon
steal, stole, stolen =69
bent, rent, sent
tumour, bale, noun
melt, mare, lime = 78
lotus, slime, about
lobster, time, mist
luminous, inns, usable = 87
blister, tuner, rest
amber, tour, insurable
trim, omit, urban = 96
roam, limb, Ontario = 99
last, listen, Austria
outnumber, nuns, abuse = 105
and the solution??
New Word:
l c a g n a e h e r y t i n b |
| . | | von: teatotaller
erstellt: 16.06.2008 20:19:54 |
l c a g n a e h e r y t i n b
ihr hattet das l vorneweg vergessen!!!
cage, lean, lane
city, recite, tiny
hear, bear, beer
heart, beat, they
anarchy, enable, ache |
| ... | | von: christeli
erstellt: 16.06.2008 20:25:50 |
l c a g n a e h e r y t i n b
cage, lean, lane
city, recite, tiny
hear, bear, beer
heart, beat, they
anarchy, enable, ache
bench, crab, create = 18 |
| . | | von: aloevera
erstellt: 16.06.2008 23:12:29 |
l c a g n a e h e r y t i n b
cage, lean, lane
city, recite, tiny
hear, bear, beer
heart, beat, they
anarchy, enable, ache
bench, crab, create = 18
heritage, bean, lace
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